Keene: (603) 352-4232 | Bow: (603) 224-0444


The Melanson Company Articles


When should I shovel the snow off my roof?

By State Fire Marshal J. William Degnan NH State Fire Marshal’s Office For immediate release: February 9, 2015 The weight of snow varies from one area of the state to another. The light fluffy snow may only weigh about seven pounds per cubic foot while more average...

Roofing Glossary

These are some common roofing terms used by professionals: Building paper Heavy-duty paper used in walls or roofs to prevent dampness Cornice Horizontal projection under the roof’s overhang Dormer The projecting frame of a recess in a sloping roof Eaves The part of...

Select the Best Roof Contractor

There is no fool proof method for selecting a professional roof contractor, but there are a number of things you can do to help you make the best decision possible when evaluating contractors: Check for a permanent place of business, telephone number, tax I.D. number...


RoofConnect is a professional roofing trade organization, comprised of over 60 independent commercial roofing companies throughout the U.S. This affiliation recognizes the need for complete regional/national coverage of consistent superior service from the most...

“We never got anything but top-notch work from Melanson. In my experience, they are consistently the best roofer in the area.”

Tracy Young

Kimball Union Academy, Student Cafeteria

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